'''Various beer garden news including dates of forthcoming events held Just heard on NPR that for the first time ever smoking is baennd at individual beer gardens can be found as well as published hereOktoberfest. If you are organising an event or know about an event in a Munich beer garden that should not be missed, please add your information in this section.''' * '''''[[200 Years Beer Garden Anniversary]]''''' - on This has organizers worried; without the 4th of January 1812, an edict was issued by King stench of Bavaria Max I. cigarette smoke to permit all breweries to sell beer straight out of their storage cellars. On the 4th of January 2012, cover up the existence of the Bavarian beer garden celebrated its 200th birthday. * other odors'''''April''''' - special exhibition about the 200 years beer garden anniversary in the [[Bier & Oktoberfest Museum|Beer & Oktoberfest Museum]] in Munich. * '''''July''''' - beer garden weekend with events organised by the [[Munich breweries|six main breweries of Munich]] ([[Augustiner]]urine, [[Hacker-Pschorr]], [[LöwenbrĂ€u]], [[HofbrĂ€u]], [[Paulaner]] and [[Spaten]]vomit). * 200 years beer garden people will also really be a theme on the FrĂŒhlingsfest (spring festival)able to smell Oktoberfest in all it's, Brauertag (brewery day)uh, HofbrĂ€u-Dult and Oktoberfestglory.<br><br> == Google News == '''The below links are automatically imported via a current Google News search for âMunich beer gardensâMmmmm. Note Pretty much killed my desire to make that this is computer generated list and some irrelevant result will therefore likely be included amongst the linkstrip.You guys should grow hops.We''' <rss>http://newsve started growing our own in our little backyard (central Mass.google).com/news?hl=en&q=munich+beer+gardens&um=1&ie=UTFWe'll homebrew with them sometime this fall-8&output=rss|short|date|max=20</rss><br> == Beer garden season 2012 == Almost all beer gardens are closed during the winter monthsit's our first year of any yield. So when exactly does Takes 3 years after planting the beer garden season begin and end? It depends on the weatherrhizomes to get any hops cones, but usually the season begins in May or June and lasts until the end of September or October. Generally speaking, the beginning of the Oktoberfest marks the end of the beer garden season. === Beer garden weather forecast for the Munich area === The self service area and food stalls in most beer gardens do not open during bad weather. After all, who wants sit in the beer garden when it's raining? [[File:Hirschgarten 029.jpg|437px]] Below is a Munich weather forecast for was so worth the next three dayswait. <accuweather zipcode="EUR|DE|GM002|MUNICH"></accuweather> ---- [[de:News und Events]]