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News and events

830 bytes removed, 05:12, 17 June 2013
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'''Various beer garden news including dates of forthcoming events held at individual beer gardens can be found as well as published here. If you are organising an event or know about an event in a Munich beer garden that should not be missed, please add your information in this section.'''
* '''''[[200 Years Beer Garden Anniversary]]''''' - on the 4th of January 1812, an edict was issued by King of Bavaria Max I. to permit all breweries to sell beer straight out of their storage cellars. On the 4th of January 2012, the existence of the Bavarian beer garden celebrated its 200th birthday.
* '''''April''''' - special exhibition about the 200 years beer garden anniversary in the [[Bier & Oktoberfest Museum|Beer & Oktoberfest Museum]] in Munich.
* '''''July''''' - beer garden weekend with events organised by the [[Munich breweries|six main breweries of Munich]] ([[Augustiner]], [[Hacker-Pschorr]], [[Löwenbräu]], [[Hofbräu]], [[Paulaner]] and [[Spaten]]).
* 200 years beer garden will also be a theme on the Frühlingsfest (spring festival), Brauertag (brewery day), Hofbräu-Dult and Oktoberfest.<br><br>
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