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KlosterbrÀu SchÀftlarn

6 bytes added, 06:00, 24 June 2012
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The beer was originally brewed and sold on location by the SchÀftlarn monks. However, this a tradition that ended when the monastery eventually stopped brewing beer in 1974. This The beer garden has 500 seats, mostly wooden furniture. The self-serviced area is well-shaded by large chestnut trees. The food stalls offer Bavarian beer garden snacks meals to the many by-passing cyclists and visitors. A monestery store across the road sell various hand-crafted items made by the monks and nuns.
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The restaurant serves ecologically farmed beef from Angus cattle. If ordered in advance, fresh beef is also for sale in five or ten kilo packages at about €16 per kilo. On Sundays farmers duck is a special item on the menu. A guesthouse with 10 rooms is part of KlosterbrĂ€u SchĂ€ftlarn.

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