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46 bytes added, 18:00, 18 June 2012
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[[Steckerlfisch]] (grilled fish on a stick) is prepared daily amongst other Bavarian specialties, such as Hendl (roasted chicken), Rollbraten (rolled roast), Schweinshaxn (roasted pork knuckle), Wurstsalat (sliced sausage salad) and [[Obatzda]]. A [[Maß]] [[Löwenbräu]] Hell (lager) costs €6.80 (April 2012).
On warm summer days perform various Munich bands perform live in Hopfengarten (Thursday and Sunday). Major football tournaments are shown live on a big screen in the beer garden. Each Saturday a flea market takes place in Hopfengarten. Against a fee of €10 tables and sun umbrellas are supplied free of chargeto anyone wishing to sell their various items.
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