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47 bytes added, 08:05, 9 January 2012
Beer garden season 2012
== Beer garden season 2012 ==
Almost all beer gardens are closed during the winter months. So when exactly does the beer garden season begin and end? It depends on the weather, but usually the season lasts from begins in May or June and lasts until the end of September or October. Generally speaking, the beginning of the Oktoberfest marks the end of the beer garden season.
=== Beer garden weather forecast for the Munich area ===
The self service area and food stalls in most beer gardens do not open during bad weather. After all, who wants to go to the beer garden when it's raining?  [[File:Hirschgarten 029.jpg|437px]] Below is a Munich weather forecast for the next three days.
<accuweather zipcode="EUR|DE|GM002|MUNICH"></accuweather>
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