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4 bytes added, 08:49, 2 June 2011
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<td align="right">[[File:Lochhamers 004.jpg|196px|none]]</td></tr></table>
The beer garden has 500 seats with some of the tables in the self-service directly by the waterfront. A water wheel and the model train which runs along the railing at the water edge are entertaining not only for kids. The beer is from the Tegernseer brewery and a [[Maß]] of [[Tegernseer ]] Hell (lager) costs €6.10. <!-- april 2011 --> The food stall in the self service area has a selection of reasonable priced Bavarian meals and snacks. The start of a very nice city park located along the Würm is just across the road.
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="48.125553" lon="11.446032" zoom="17" controls="large">

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