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KlosterbrÀu SchÀftlarn

431 bytes added, 18:14, 27 June 2010
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'''Situated south of Munich with views of the SchÀftlarn monastery and Isar valley, KlosterbrÀu SchÀftlarn is set in an idyllic Bavarian location. This beer garden has 500 seats, mostly wooden furniture.'''
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The restaurant serves ecologically farmed beef from Angus cattle. If ordered in advance, fresh beef is also for sale in five or ten kilo packages at about 16 Euros per kilo. On Sundays farmers duck is a special item on the menu.
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="47.978123" lon="11.466841" zoom="17" controls="large">
KlosterbrÀu SchÀftlarn
The restaurant serves ecologically farmed beef from Angus cattle. If ordered in advance, fresh beef is also for sale in five or ten kilo packages at about 16 Euros per kilo. On Sundays farmers duck is a special item on the menu.
This beer garden is open daily from 10am to at least 10pm. During weekdays visitors of the self service area are expected to fetch their beer themselves from inside the restaurant, which should not be a problem given the fact that a [[Maß]] [[LöwenbrĂ€u]] at this beer garden costs only 5.50 Euros.
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