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1,131 bytes added, 18:12, 13 June 2010
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'''The Hopfengarten beer garden is located on the east side of the Westpark
in central Munich, next to the Rudi-Sedlmayer-Halle sports arena.'''
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The Hopfengarten was opened at
the time of the first German Federal Garden
Show (BUGA) held in Westpark in 1983.
The beer garden is a favourite meeting place amongst regular visitors
and families of the recreation areas around the lakes in the park.
The 1,500 seats in the self-service area are partly
shaded by still young chestnut trees and large sun umbrellas.
A [[Maß]] [[Löwenbräu]] costs 6.60. Stekerlfisch (grilled fish on stick)
is prepared daily amongst other Bavarian specialties.
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="48.125449" lon="11.527024" zoom="18" controls="large">
48.125736, 11.526713
The beer garden is open daily during
the summer when the weather is good from 11am until about 11:30pm.

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