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'''Located in the outskirts of Munich in the Aubinger Lohe forest, a popular destination for nature lovers. Bienenheim means bee home and the restaurant serves as a meeting place for the bee masters of the nearby bee keeping farm where ecological honey is produced and sold.'''
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The beer garden reopened under new management in 2010. There are 350 seats in all including the self-serviced and serviced tables. The beer sold is [[Maisacher]] Helles which costs €5.80 p/Maß and Räuber Kneissldunkel at €6 p/Maß. The Sedlmayer Weizen (wheat beer) is €6 p/Maß. The self-serviced food stall offers a variety of traditional Bavarian meals and snacks.
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="48.173293" lon="11.396052" zoom="18" controls="large">
Tel: +49-(0)89-89555927<br>
Email: [mailto:waldwirtschaftbienenheim@t-online.de waldwirtschaftbienenheim@t-online.de] <!--Website: [http://www.waldwirtschaft-bienenheim.de www.waldwirtschaft-bienenheim.de]-->
[[de:Waldwirtschaft Bienenheim]]