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Schlossgaststätte Leutstetten

55 bytes added, 12:58, 31 July 2017
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The beer garden has 500 seats on traditional fixed-to-the-ground tables and benches under giant chestnut trees. The self-serviced food stall offers a wide variety of homemade food such as [[potato salad]] and [[Obatzda]] (trational Bavarian cheese creation) as well as delicious [[spareribs]], [[Hendl]] (grilled chicken) and [[Steckerlfisch]] (grilled fish on a stick). The beer served straight out of wooden barrels comes from the Kaltenberger Schloßbrauerei and costs €6.50 p/[[Maß]] (April 2013).
[[File:Schlossgaststaette Leutstetten 012.jpg|600px]]
The location is suitable for special events such as weddings in royal style. A former horse-riding hall has been converted to a theatre in 1983 and can be rented for large dinner functions or other events.
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