Text replacement - "<googlemap version="0.9" (.*)">" to "<googlemap version="0.9" $1 style="width:100%;max-width:600px;">"
Unfortunately over time the beer garden has developed in a negative direction and has become somewhat neglected. The larger outside area is now served by the restaurant and the self-service area has shrunk to six fixed-to-the-ground beer garden tables and two round tables. The food stall is still present, but not opened even when there is beautiful weather. To carry food from the restaurant over to the self-service area is not permitted. At least there is still the opportunity to buy oneself a drink. The beer sold is [[Maisach|Maisacher]] Helles (lager) which costs €6.20 p/[[Maß]] (May 2016) and [[Räuber Kneißl Dunkel]] at €6.40 p/Maß (May 2016).
<googlemap version="0.9" lat="48.173293" lon="11.396052" zoom="18" controls="largestyle="width:100%;max-width:600px;">
48.173305, 11.396003
Waldwirtschaft Bienenheim