

133 bytes removed, 18:05, 6 January 2012
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'''The Waldrestaurant and beer garden Bergl lies hidden in a forest in Oberschleißheim. The location has a farm-like feeling with stables and horses grazing on an enclosed field behind the restaurant.'''
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The Bergl is one of the oldest inn's of the area and the building has a great history. In 1599, Herzog Wilhelm V, ordered a chapel to be built in honor of Ignatius, the founder of the Jesuitenorden (The Society of Jesus). Nearby a Klause, an isolated residence for the members of this society, was built. From 1702 the location was used by the [[Franziskaner]] monks for confessions and as a meeting place. In 1802 beer and food was sold outside, which is when the restaurant and beer garden history began. In 1884 the great-grandfather of the current Innkeeper took over the management, as he preferred this beer garden over his previously owned beer garden [[Gutshof Menterschwaige|Menterschwaige]]. Unfortunately, the large beer garden from those days has been much reduced over time.
Tel: +49-(0)89-3150105<br>
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