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'''The Rosengarten beer garden is located on a small artificial created hill overlooking a small lake in the westernmost end of Westpark in central Munich. The Rosengarten restaurant connected with this beer garden across the road was the offcial official restaurant of the German Federal first International Garden Show (BUGAIGA) held in Westpark in 1983at the time of the launch of the entire park area.'''
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Traditional wooden beer benches and tables offer place for 1,500 guests below a cluster of large and dense chestnut trees. The [[Paulaner]] Hell (lager) costs €7.00 p/[[Maß]] (July 2015). <!--A summer menu special for groups of minimum 10 people is an own beer barrel placed at your table and freshly grilled spare ribs.--> Despite the fact that Rosengarten was built especially for a garden show, it was unfortunately a bit run down in recent years. However, as of June 2012, Rosengarten relaunched with a new management and has improved remarkably. Amongst other changes, there is a new pretzel and [[Steckerlfisch]] stall. Furthermore are regular music events planned. Nearby attractions include a Japanese pagoda and Seebühne, an open-air cinema and concert venue.
During the summer months the beer garden is open already from 9am giving the opportunity for "Frühschoppen" with a morning [[Maß]]. Nearby attractions include a Japanese pagoda and Seebühne, an open<!--air cinema concert venue.   <googlemap version="0.9" lat="48.122148" lon="11.509187" zoom="18" controls="large" style="width:100%;max-width:600px;">
48.122191, 11.509061
</googlemap>--> During the summer months the beer garden is open already from 9am giving the opportunity for a “[[Frühschoppen]]” with an early morning [[Maß]]. Closing time depends on the weather and can be an hour or so before or after midnight.
Tel: +49-(0)89-57869300<br>
Website: [] View more [[Rosengarten photos]] <ads media=responsive></ads>