
Kraillinger Brauerei

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'''The Kraillinger Brauerei, also known as the “Kraillerei” amongst the locals as the “Kraillerei”, is a classical classic style Bavarian beer located along the small river [[Würm]] in Krailling, 18 kilometres south west of Munich city.'''
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With about 2,500 seats the Kraillinger Brauerei is the largest of four beer gardens situated within an approximate 1½ km² radius. The beer garden is connected with a restaurant including a small serviced terrace, a bar and a ballroom which is a popular venue for weddings and other special occasions. There is a mix of old-style wooden tables that are fixed to the ground and more typical wooden benchesin the self-service area, all of which are mostly shaded by large chestnut trees. Kraillinger Brauerei was a brewery at this location up until maybe 30 years ago. While the beer garden has retained its traditional atmosphere the beer is now supplied by the Bavarian brewery [[Herrnbräu]]. The light and dark lagers are tapped from wooden barrels and sold at €6.30 90 p/[[Maß]](May 2015).
<!--<googlemap version="0.9" lat="48.09691" lon="11.412322" zoom="16" controls="large" style="width:100%;max-width:600px;">
48.097014, 11.412284
Kraillinger Brauerei
The beer garden opens between 10am and 11am and closes about 11pm.
Tel: +49-(0)89-8571718<br>
Website: [] View more [[Kraillinger Brauerei photos]]
== Additional information ==
* [ Herrnbraeu Brewery] In German
* [ Article in German Münchner Merkur]
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