
Gasthaus zur Mühle

99 bytes added, 02:58, 28 July 2022
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Guests of both sections have views onto the Isar and the by-passing timber rafts. Timber rafting in the Mühltal started in the 12th century to transport wood and other goods along the Isar. Today, raft trips on original wooden rafts are a popular adventure during the rafting season from May to September. The raft route leads from Wolfratshausen to Munich (Thalkirchen). Depending on the water level, the raft-trip takes about six to eight hours at a speed of about 30 kilometres p/hour. A highlight of the tour is Europe's longest raft-slide just outside the Gasthaus zur Mühle. Quite often, participants of such raft trips stop at the beer garden for a chilled beer and something to eat.
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[[File:Gasthaus zur Muehle 020.jpg|600px]]

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